LIVE from H2 B.C.F. Chicago Office: H2 Business Consulting Firm CEO Kevin Holohan will be discussing some prime topics with some of Illinois top ranked officials. This meeting is to help government come together with small business better, to have an understanding of both sides, to try and help the small business world, boost the economy of Illinois, and restore a good working relationship with the people of Illinois, business owners, and government. There will be discussions on topics that most affect the people and small businesses. There will be a Facebook LIVE and YouTube LIVE session that people can log on and ask questions and get answers LIVE. Some of the people that have been invited to participate in this event include Illinois House of Representatives Carol Sente, Thomas Bennett, Sue Rezin, & David Welter; From the Illinois Senate Linda Holmes & Jason Barickman; Illinois Commerce Director Sean McCarthy, Governor Bruce Rauner, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel; U.S. Congressman Adam Kinzinger; Candidate for U.S. Congress James Marter; Candidates for Governor Chris Kennedy, J.B. Pritzker & Jeanne Ives.

This event will take place at our Chicago Office location on February 20, 2018. The meeting is not open to public, but there will be a LIVE Q&A that is open to the public and will be available starting at 2pm cst. I hope that we will see many people tuned in and be able to ask questions of people that you would normally not get the chance to do. Tune in and subscribe to your YouTube channel and follow us on Facebook, so you never miss a moment.