As the time of the year where we do most of your shopping and search for the greatest deals fast approaches, small businesses scramble to get deals and plans together. Of course, we all must plan for Black Friday and Cyber Monday, but we also need to be just as in toon to Small Business Saturday. Small Business Saturday falls on the Saturday between Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Therefore, Small Business Saturday is November 25th this year.

One of the new concepts that H2 B.C.F. will be starting next year is Small Business Saturday Small Mall Event. There will be several different host locations that small businesses and those of home base status will be able to set up a vending spot that will hold anywhere from 15 to 30 vendors. People will be able to come and shop like they would in a mall. There will be a small vendor fee to set up, which will be around $50. The great thing is when you apply it will be set up ahead of time and well-advertised as well as be set up that you will not have to compete with other vendors.

Keep checking back with us through out next year as more details will be available. This year we will be offering a Facebook Live Advertising program to help promote your Small Business Saturday products. Check back soon for details on this year’s promo. For those business that may be interested in participating in either one of these programs we would like your feedback, so that we make it the best we can for everyone. Let us know what you think. Until then, happy shopping and get ready for that busy time of the year. Support your local small businesses!